
Let's Talk About Protein Fires

Imagine that you are home and preparing dinner for your family.  You have just placed a piece of meat on the stove and realize you forgot the vegetables.  So you decide to quickly run out to the store and pick them up.  Unfortunately the stove was on high and you forgot to turn it off before you left. 

When you arrive home a few minutes later, you find your home filled with a grayish white smoke, smell a horrible heavy odor and the smoke alarm going off.  The entire pan is burnt and the meat has disintegrated.

What occurred is called a protein fire. Defined as a fire involving food such as milk, meat, cheese and eggs.  At first glance, protein fires don't appear to cause any damage to a home and contents but the aftermath of a protein fire is an invisible and often sticky, foul smelling residue that coats the many surfaces throughout the home.

Due to the greasy nature of the film, deodorizing using a machine will usually not work on the heavy odor - it would only temporarily mask the odor. All areas and contents where odor is present would need to be cleaned in order to remove the film which holds the odor, i.e. all carpeting, fabric items, and draperies. 

If you run into a situation where you or somebody you know suffers a protein fire, contact United Services, and we can take care of cleaning and deodorizing the property and we will include our

